May 11, 2010

National Nurses Week Display

You may know men and women that are nurses. There are probably quite a few other people among your friends and acquaintances that also trained and worked as Registered Nurses. Two of us now work and/or volunteer at the East Tawas Library.

Stop by the library and see the display honoring nurses. The display features our actual nursing caps from Michael Reese Hospital School of Nursing in Chicago and from Wayne State University in Detroit. The display also includes personal photos, clippings, certificates, and graduation mementos.

National Nurses Week is observed each year from May 6th through May 12th. May 12 was chosen as the final day of the week because it was Florence Nightingale's birthday. Somehow I never knew this despite three years of nursing school and 15 years of working as a RN. During some of those years National Nurses Week meant a free coffee mug, or a free button/pin, or a free meal in the hospital cafeteria. Other years, it was just another week without any special mention or celebration.

So, if you know a nurse, thank them for all their education and skills, their hard work and long hours, and most especially, their caring. Your thanks may be the only mention of National Nurses Week they receive this year.

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