October 16, 2007

CMU's Exhibit: "A David Small World"

I recently visited Central Michigan University's Park Library to view an exhibit of one of my favorite children's book illustrators, David Small.

If you are going to be in Mount Pleasant before the exhibit ends on October 29, 2007, I would highly recommend taking the time to see this original artwork.

I have been privileged, twice before, to view exhibits of original artwork from classic children's books. I thoroughly enjoyed both exhibits. Having the opportunity to see the original art gave me a whole new perspective concerning some of my favorite children's books. While I have always felt the art "makes or breaks" a picture book, it is easy to forget that each page's illustration started out as a piece of art. Seeing the artwork formally displayed in frames in a museum style setting, reminded me that the artwork is much more than just a picture in a kid's book, it is art.

In 1984, while living in Chicago, I saw the exhibit 50 Years of Babar at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. It featured the art of Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff, the authors and illustrators of the Babar the Elephant books.

In 2001, while visiting NYC, I saw the exhibit Celebrating 60 Years of Curious George: The Art of H. A. and Margret Rey at the Children's Museum of Manhattan. It featured the art of the Curious George books as well as other books the husband and wife team had created.

David Small works with watercolors, pen and ink, and pastels. The exhibit contained a variety of his work including original artwork from two award winning books. In 1998, the book The Gardener was named a Caldecott Honor Book. In 2001, David Small won the Caldecott Medal for illustrating the book So You Want to Be President?

I especially enjoyed the art from The Journey by Sarah Stewart (David Small's wife). The book details an Amish girl's visit to Chicago through her diary entries. Everything the girl enjoys seeing and doing in Chicago reminds her of home. The artwork shows both locations and how each place is valuable and wonderful in its own way.

The National Center for Children's Illustrated Literature, located in Abilene Texas, provided the artwork for the David Small exhibit. See their website for more information about the museum and their exhibits. As well as their permanent collection in Texas, they have eight other traveling exhibits.


If you are unable to visit Mount Pleasant before the exhibit closes, stop by the East Tawas Library to see the following books illustrated by David Small:

Fenwick's Suit by David Small

The Friend by Sarah Stewart

The Gardener by Sarah Stewart

The Journey by Sarah Stewart

The Money Tree by Sarah Stewart

My Senator and Me: A Dog's-Eye View of Washington, D. C.
by Senator Edward M. Kennedy

Ruby Mae Has Something to Say by David Small

So You Want to Be an Explorer? by Judith St. George

So You Want to Be President? by Judith St. George

October 6, 2007

Chilton Auto Repair Manuals Online ®

Michigan residents are now able to access Chilton Auto Repair Manuals ® via the Internet.

The State of Michigan provides the Michigan Electronic Library (MeL) so state residents have free access to a large variety of computer databases from any Internet computer. Library computers will automatically connect, while home or work computers require a log in process. This limits access to Michigan residents.

The web site is: http://www.mel.org/

Under the center section marked "Mel Databases" chose either "See databases from home" or "See databases from the library".

Scroll down, to the database entitled "ChiltonLibrary.com". Click on the blue colored link under the words "ChiltonLibrary.com".

If you are using a non-library computer you will now be asked to verify that you are a Michigan resident by entering your Driver's License Number or your State ID number. If you prefer, you can use your library card instead. Select "Iosco-Arenac District Library" from the drop down menu, and type in your name and your library card number. Click "Submit".

Now select the vehicle you are seeking information about. Use the arrow keys to select, in order: "Year", "Make", and "Model". Then click the green "Select" box.

Depending on the type of vehicle selected the following choices may appear: "Bulletins/Recalls", "Maintenance", and "Repair". Click on the category you want and continue to follow any instructions. The ability to print, for personal use only, is provided.

For patrons that prefer to use books rather than the Internet, the East Tawas Library has a large collection of various auto repair manuals. Many of these manuals have been obtained from donations and rummage sales. If you have repair manuals (automotive, motorcycle, marine, small engine etc.) that you are no longer using, remember the East Tawas Library welcomes donations.

October 1, 2007

Banned Book Week Display

Come visit the East Tawas Library and see the special display in honor of Banned Book Week (September 29 - October 6, 2007).

Libraries and bookstores around the country have observed banned book week since 1982. Its purpose is to celebrate the freedom to read. American Library Association President, Loriene Roy, states, "Not every book is right for every reader.... Libraries serve users from a variety of backgrounds - that's why libraries need - and have - such a wide range of materials. Individuals must have the right to choose what materials are suitable for themselves and their families."

Visit the East Tawas Library. You may be surprised to see how many "banned books" you have read and enjoyed over the years.