April 8, 2010

Holocaust Remembrance Day Display

Holocaust Remembrance Day is observed on April 11th this year.

The East Tawas Library has a display of 26 books about the Holocaust, its victims, and its survivors. Besides the books on display, the library's Holocaust collection consists of over 40 additional books. There are children's picture books, graphic novels, fictional stories for kids as well as adults, diaries, books of photographs and letters, memoirs, and historical studies.

When thinking of the Holocaust most people immediately think of Anne Frank, however, the name Miep Gies is unknown to many of us. Without this Dutch woman, who recently died (at age 100) we would not have Anne Frank's diary. The library's display case contains a January 25, 2010 People magazine article about Miep Gies and how she kept Anne's diary safe until she gave it to Anne's father, Otto Frank, following the war.

The display case also contains several note cards featuring art work by child survivors who were brought to England after their liberation. Twenty-eight hostels were opened up in England to care for the 732 children. These cards were produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. For more information see the following two web sites:



We must all remember!

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